Bosun: Ship Of Ghosts by Gary Karlsen

Bosun: Ship of Ghosts

Book 3 – Thriller

Now Available!

About the book


A rogue navy deserter on the run from crimes at sea fraudulently rises to the rank of ship’s commander. On the tanker ship, Dumas, Captain Tarrant lies and manipulates to hide his transportation of blood diamonds, illegal weapons, and human trafficking.


Bosun’s mission at the end of his career as a mariner is a challenge that demands all his sinew. He returns unexpectedly to a ship he was trapped on during the Arab-Israeli War. His top-secret contract is to bring a psychotic criminal to justice.


Disguised to conceal his identity, Bosun goes undercover on Jack’s Tarrant’s ship, the Dumas. Covert communications with a special investigator of the International Maritime Association are interrupted by deaths on board the rusty old tanker. Dark spirits haunt an innocent victim of foul play. Bosun uses an unlikely weapon against the ship’s commander. A mystery lingers haunts Bosun long after the Dumas becomes a howling ghost ship at the breakup yards in Pakistan.